2024-2025 Year of Racial Justice

As people of faith, we are called to work for justice in the world.

This school year, LuMin St. Louis will focus specifically living into our baptismal promises through an intentional focus on racial justice, its impact on our lives, and in this places with live and work.

There are three components to this focus:

JUSTMOVE conference – September 20 & 21, 2024 – a starting point for conversations regarding justice, mercy, and cultures.

Monthly Cohort Gatherings – continuing the work with discussion based on group interest

Spring Break Immersion in St. Louis (March 10-14) – learning about racial inequities in the place we live and how we are called to work with one another.

All university students and young professionals are welcome to join LuMin St. Louis for one or all of these programs as we cultivate new relationships and cultures.

More information will be available by August 15, including registration information for the Sept 20-21 event.